Tsim Sha Tsui, Studio for art jam party, also cater onsite art,offers private & group art class for kids or adults, perfect choice for you, art jamming event & lessons www.artexplosion.com.hk

掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: http://www.btlforyou.com/consultant/Annie ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) Skin Reborn !! 28天肌膚重生及日常化妝工作坊 每一種美容護膚品都有一套自己的理論,真不知該聽那一套的! " 28天肌膚重生法 " 讓妳自我認識到肌膚護理之基本因素後,再配合其它如:中醫、西醫、專業美
s美容 / 教學進修sharingblue

Melrose Flower 6628 4330 Lois Yam www.melrosehk.com We provide wedding flowers & planning services,flower arrangement, event decoration, gift bouquets& baskets etc. Order 2 months in advance
M鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Melrose Florist HK

Contact Person: Mr. Wo Ying Chan Telephone: Fax: Position: Manager Country/Region: Hong Kong Year of Establishment: 2000 Nature of Business: Manufacturer Industry: Jewellery‚ Watches & Cloc
D設計 / 珠寶設計Dynamic Jewellery Company

Hair.hk 是怡通科技屬下之髮型交流平台。我們的宗旨是為所有階層的髮型用家提供最新最全面的髮型資訊,並藉著我們龐大的髮型名店、髮型集以及用家的討論組群,為用家們提供一站式的網上資源服務。髮型用家可以透過我們的平台搜羅最潮流、最貼身的髮型資訊;各大髮型名店、髮型集也可以借著我們的平台推廣及宣傳他們的產品。 雖然香港不乏髮型興趣組織,但其中內容大部分較為分散。我們深信,我們的髮型交流平台透過舉辦

DIY 皮革工作坊 皮革課程 Wild Kingdomleather workshop 皮革diy手工藝 leather workshop Wild Kingdom 野皮號 是以全人手製作的皮革工作室, 更希望為對手做 DIY 皮革 有興趣之人仕, 提供一個簡易入門的地方. Wild Kingdom,由選皮到設計、到縫合都是由本工作室精心製作, 堅持以<100%全人手製作>的皮革精品
W消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Wild Kingdom 野皮號

Located at the nexus of Central, Lan Kwai Fong, and SoHo, Knight on Wyndham offers everything you expect of any serviced apartments: Prime location Facilities & comforts Privacy & security &q
K物業地產 / 服務式住宅Knight on Wyndham

Overseas Wedding Photography. Pre Wedding Photography Francis’s photography is all about creating a timeless image which you can treasure for a lifetime. His distinctive style is founded throug
O結婚 / 海外婚禮Overseas Wedding Photography. Overseas Pre Wedding

Overseas Wedding Packages Budapest is at the Heart of Europe and the Gateway to many other magnificent cities such as Vienna, Salzburg, Prague, Venice, and Krakow. The Beautiful Budapest Package is i
O結婚 / 海外婚禮Overseas Wedding Photography

We have many years of experiences in landscape gardening, interior decoration, garden maintenance, monthly flower rental service, pest control, etc. We offer garden design in Chinese, Japanese, Thai,
P鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Pn G環保綠化


Living Colors 花適生活為一間柔合傳統花藝設 計及現代創作概念於一身之花、禮品專門店 提供 悼念花籃 歡迎查詢 http://www.livingcolors.com.hk Our Mission Your satisfaction is our first priority!! We understand that our flower arrangements carrying
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花花適生活

服務介紹: 電髮+ 剪髮+ 焗油~ $350, Color + 剪髮~ $250, 深層清潔焗油套餐~ $280.
Z美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Zing Hair Salon

愛美貪靚是人的天性,而美甲Gel甲,絕對是每個女人指尖上一場裝扮盛會。當女士擁有繽紛奪目的美甲,不僅能吸引更多的艷羨目光,連舉手投足間都顯得份外自信動人。此外,美甲亦是每年配搭造型的重點細節,不論是典型的彩繪圖案,特色閃石、抑或複雜有序的珠片石甲,經夢之甲(Dream Nail)的美甲師巧手打造下,纖纖十指頃刻變出與眾不同的指甲造型,奪目人前
D美容 / 美甲Dream Nail
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